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Ένα από τα πιο σύγχρονα συνεργεία αυτοκινήτων και παντός τύπου φορτηγών Mercedes-Benz στην Ελλάδα. Στις 1125τ.μ. εγκαταστάσεις μας στη Πάτρα, παρέχουμε τη δυνατότητα διάγνωσης βλαβών και γενικού service φορτηγών. Επίσης διαθέτουμε πλήρως καταρτισμένο ηλεκτρολογείο για αντιμετώπιση κάθε είδους βλάβης.
Christodoulou Psina 1 - Patra +30 2610 422 700

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  • Specialized Service <span style=color: #FF9400>Mercedes Trucks</span>

    Specialized Service Mercedes Trucks

    We have one of the largest specialized service centers for Mercedes Benz trucks in Greece and trucks from all over Europe trust us, for the many years of experience and continuous training of our technicians.
  • Service Mercedes-Benz

    Service Mercedes-Benz

    Specializing in all Mercedes Benz commercial vehicle models.
  • ECU Repair

    ECU Repair

    We have the ultimate expertise in repairing Mercedes Benz brains.

Truck Service I. Tzanetos,
Who we are

One of the most modern garages for Mercedes-Benz cars and all types of trucks in Greece. On 1125 sq.m. our facilities in Patras, we provide the possibility of fault diagnosis and general service of trucks. We also have a fully qualified electrician to deal with any kind of damage.

In our warehouses you will find readily available truck spare parts of all types, new or used. Among them and products like
air bladders, filters, oils, trucks, pumps, truck turbines, etc.

All of the above are available for immediate installation by our specialized technicians, with many years of experience in Mercedes Benz trucks.


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Modern workshop for Mercedes-Benz cars and all types of trucks.
Christodoulou Psina 1, Aktaeo Patra